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Workout Motivation Tips


One question I get asked a lot is "how do I get motivated to workout"?
Maybe you have 6 or more months til your wedding, but you still can't get yourself to the gym. How do I fix a lack of motivation?

Most times when people ask me how to get motivated to work out and lose weight, they have already tried to start some kind of regular routine, but just fell away from it. There are various reasons the exercise gets put on the back burner. For most people, life just gets busy with work, kids, or relationships, and by the end of the day feel like they have no time or energy to work out.

Sound familiar? I thought so. But what is it that makes some people workout practically every day, while others can't even squeeze in one workout a week?

Well first you have to find what drives YOU! What motivates some people may not work for you. If you have a wedding approaching, envision looking and feeling amazing in your dress. Think of this each time you feel like you don't have time to exercise that day. When you are working towards something that is important to you, you will make time for it.

Maybe you have kids and you want to be healthy, strong, and energetic for them. Wanting to better yourself for others is also a very powerful motivator. But again, this has to be something that really drives you and is important to you.

Next, you need to make a plan and understand what it will take. One thing I see a lot is people wanting instant results without a plan. Think of it this way, most of us have had anywhere from 5 to 20 years of minimal exercise and poor eating habits, but expect to undo all of that overnight with minimal effort. If you expect this you will be disappointed. It takes time and sticking firmly to a plan to see the changes, but if you work hard you will see amazing results!

Lastly, I want to say if you can get through the first part (sometimes the hardest part) by sticking to a good exercise and diet plan, you will see amazing changes in your body! From this point on, the motivation gets much easier. You have visibly seen the results of your hard work and dedication, and that is what drives you to keep going now. So if you can find the inner reason that drives you to want to be healthier and lose weight, you will find yourself prioritizing your workouts and exercising more.

In short, find that one thing that keeps YOU going, be dedicated, and know that you can achieve great results!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_N_McCluskey

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