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Life Is But A Vapor


How many of you have watched steam evaporate from your coffee cup? Or your breath dissipate into thin air during colder weather? How about smoke rising from a camp fire? A morning mist dissolve over a lake at sunrise? Shadows appear, then disappear as the sun moves across the sky? So too it is with our physical bodies. We are here on earth for only a fleeting moment it seems.

This reality struck a cord within me recently when I lost someone very close to me suddenly without warning. The bible verse in James 4 came to me and I began to meditate on it. It was clear to me that life is too short and that I have no idea when it will end so I had better live life well. I want to share with you a few tips to encourage you to live your life well and leave a lasting legacy for your loved ones.


Don't be so future thinking that your not living in the present! Live in the here and now. Make plans for the future is fine, but not at the expense of all that today has to offer. Today is all that one is ever promised.
"Always looking to the future are you. Never his mind on where he is at! What he is doing!" Yoda in Star Wars - Episode V


Treat your body well. Get proper sleep. Eat healthier food. Exercise 20-30 minutes several days during the week to reduce stress. Start enjoying that hobby you love. Challenge yourself by reading and learning something new every day. Work on yourself more than you do on anything or anyone.


Add value to other people by investing in them. Share your knowledge. Bless others with your financial increase. Give them a portion of your time. Become a mentor to someone who has a desire to be like yourself. Aspire to inspire before you expire!

When the stress of this life becomes too hard to bear or worry starts creeping in, I suggest you simplify things. Write out a "to do list" taking the bigger concerns and break them down into smaller steps. Name or number each one because once you do that psychologically they become manageable. You will gain confidence knowing that you will be able to accomplish each item on the list.

I am here for your success. I believe in you. You are uniquely and wonderfully made! Go be and do all that you were created to do in this brief life.


Eric Alber is a Registered Nurse with over 10 years experience who has incorporated his passion for fitness, health, & nutrition into a growing company that helps others LIVE LIFE WELL. He established eFit Coach to accomplish his dreams of making a difference and providing REAL health care. Join him on his community Facebook page at http://www.fb.com/ericalberfitness

PS. If this has helped in any way and has brought value to you, please SHARE it!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eric_T_Alber

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