Setting personal goals require a lot from you simply because achieving goals means success and success does not come so easily. You need to work hard on it, be determined, have faith, know and apply relevant and smart strategies, and so on. You also need to be aware of errors that might hinder you from reaching your goals.So, make sure you avoid the following common mistakes in setting personal goals.
You need to be ambitious but it is practical to start modestly. It is not necessary to come up with goals that are too vague or enormous. It is possible to be overcome by lofty aspirations and quit prematurely without attaining anything. Be aware of possible stumbling blocks so you will know how to cope when these come along unexpectedly.
Another example of a goal that implies something negative is "stop staying up late." One positive way to rewrite this is to "go to bed early." Negative goals are not emotionally uplifting. Such goals may give you a harder time focusing and working on them. Rephrase any of your negative goals so they will sound positive.
Targeting at the Past. Too often, some people are pressured to catch up on the things they should have accomplished the previous years. The result is, a too long and too congested list of goals and resolutions written down out of the anxiety over procrastination and missed opportunities. If this is your case, do not be too hard on yourself.Remember, you cannot bring back the past, all the opportunities you missed, the time you lost. You need to shift your focus to the present. If you don't and keep on aiming on the past, you will find yourself always catching up until it would be impossible to refocus yourself to the present.
The likelihood of failure will always haunt you. This can be the result of goal-setting which is too high or very low. Either way, you can only offset this by believing in yourself. Do not adopt the mentality of being afraid to screw up. Everyone commits mistakes but these errors should not bring you down. Keep in mind that the uncertainties of people are often without basis. It does not matter if other people criticize or mock you. The more important thing is to be successful.
Do not postpone your timetable. Remember that you have formulated a clear objective from the very start. You have the option to change, modify as you proceed and situations change. Yet, continue for as long as these objectives remain reasonable and reachable. Explore solutions at all times. This will keep you thinking positively and staying on track. As you go along, you will soon discover that you have become an improved person compared to what you were when this goal-setting was on its initial stages. You will notice the changes gradually. When you start making comparisons, it will dawn upon you that life is more encouraging and everything is brighter.
You need to be ambitious but it is practical to start modestly. It is not necessary to come up with goals that are too vague or enormous. It is possible to be overcome by lofty aspirations and quit prematurely without attaining anything. Be aware of possible stumbling blocks so you will know how to cope when these come along unexpectedly.
Another example of a goal that implies something negative is "stop staying up late." One positive way to rewrite this is to "go to bed early." Negative goals are not emotionally uplifting. Such goals may give you a harder time focusing and working on them. Rephrase any of your negative goals so they will sound positive.
Targeting at the Past. Too often, some people are pressured to catch up on the things they should have accomplished the previous years. The result is, a too long and too congested list of goals and resolutions written down out of the anxiety over procrastination and missed opportunities. If this is your case, do not be too hard on yourself.Remember, you cannot bring back the past, all the opportunities you missed, the time you lost. You need to shift your focus to the present. If you don't and keep on aiming on the past, you will find yourself always catching up until it would be impossible to refocus yourself to the present.
The likelihood of failure will always haunt you. This can be the result of goal-setting which is too high or very low. Either way, you can only offset this by believing in yourself. Do not adopt the mentality of being afraid to screw up. Everyone commits mistakes but these errors should not bring you down. Keep in mind that the uncertainties of people are often without basis. It does not matter if other people criticize or mock you. The more important thing is to be successful.
Do not postpone your timetable. Remember that you have formulated a clear objective from the very start. You have the option to change, modify as you proceed and situations change. Yet, continue for as long as these objectives remain reasonable and reachable. Explore solutions at all times. This will keep you thinking positively and staying on track. As you go along, you will soon discover that you have become an improved person compared to what you were when this goal-setting was on its initial stages. You will notice the changes gradually. When you start making comparisons, it will dawn upon you that life is more encouraging and everything is brighter.
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