Many people are dissatisfied with their lives. They realize that things need to change but they often do not know what to do. Follow these six tips to get started making your life better than it has ever been.Get rid of the clutter. As the years pass by we tend to accumulate items that we no longer need. These may be items that were given to us as gifts or things we thought we needed but have only used once or twice and no longer use. They are just taking up space and perhaps even getting in your way every day.Get rid of them. Clear them out. Plan on the time to pull them out of the closet or the garage or attic and go through them. Keep only what you need for your immediate use, such as today or next week. If you will not need or use them in a couple weeks, set them aside and create a pile of items you will give away to others or sell.
We are constantly told to focus on WHAT we want, and to allow the universe the show us HOW. We are told to align our beliefs, thoughts and feelings with what we want, to be an energetic vibrational match with what we desire, in order to attract that to us through the Law of Attraction. However, we MUST also take ACTION. We must be poised react to act and grab opportunities that come to us. We must be fully alert and conscious to our daily life in order that we recognise that which we are attracting to us. And, often the things that we want don't always come in the form we expect.Often we are left at a loss for exactly what type of action to take. Faced with opportunity, we might recognise it and pause too long to benefit from opportunity, or we may be so caught up in our heads that we miss opportunity altogether and it passes us by.What if I told you that every day there are very specific, very unique, very special SIGNALS being sent to you, to show you HOW to create the change in your life that will bring you happiness? What if I told you that if you were simply aware and ready for those signals then following those signals would lead you towards:Greater understanding of yourself,Greater happiness and joy,Greater peace and calm,Greater feelings of connectionAll the things you desire in your life both physically in your world and internally within you.I'm here to tell you that this opportunity exists for you. There ARE signals that are guiding you, unique to you, right now. There always have been and there always will be. Those signals come to guide you the highest and best way to achieve your purpose in this life. If only you will awaken to them. I'm here to share with you that the FOLLOW THE SIGNALS way of living can change your life forever, just as it did mine.What is the "Follow the Signals" way of living about? Our beliefs, thoughts and feelings literally create our reality.The world around you is always moving in response to your energy, in response to what you believe, think and feel.Beyond our physical world is an unseen, yet very powerful dimension that is constantly reacting to your beliefs, thoughts and feelings and it is constantly beckoning your attention to guide you on "how" to achieve what you desire.It guides you by way of signals...Every day The Universe is sending you signals, whether you are aware of them or not; unusual happenings, surprising coincidences, situations, people and things turn up in your life when you need them most.If you know how to look for signals, and are willing to follow them, the signals can support you, encourage you and most importantly guide you towards your goals and dreams.Signals are 'things' that happen in your day to day life that are there to catch your attention, to signal you forward towards your goals and dreams. Signals are here to guide you. They are unique and specific to you and they are never-ending. You are receiving them right now, you always have been and you always will. The key is - are you aware of them?
Signals comes to us in an endless number of ways, such as: unusual happenings, situations, occurrences, events, people, things, surprising coincidences, synchronicities, dreams, animal totems, song lyrics that pop into your head 'out of the blue', imagery/symbols that repetitively show up in your life.Signals tend to be things that are out of the ordinary, surprising, random, 'coincidental' and often repetitive in nature. As they can seem to be random, and to be just 'coincidence', it is easy to miss them completely, or... to see/hear them but to misinterpret them as meaningless.This report has been designed to AWAKEN you to the existence of Signals: what they are, why they exist, and how to utilise them as guidance as you go about creating a life you love and turning your dreams into reality.Where do signals come from? Our world is made up of energy. Every tangible, physical thing in our world is made up of energy, and all intangible things, such as our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings are also made up of energy. The world we live in operates on energy. Energy is the hidden engine room behind what we see around us.The Law of Attraction states that you attract to yourself the things, people, circumstances and outcomes that resonate with your own energy. Therefore, if you direct your beliefs, thoughts and feelings in a positive way, focusing on what you want, you attract back to yourself more of the same - positive things.It is very important to focus on what you want - to live in alignment with the Law of Attraction, by directing positive belief, thoughts and feelings towards your goals and dreams, but you must also create your life with action. Sitting still waiting for life to happen to you is not the way to turn your dreams into reality.As you focus on what you want in your life, The Universe is literally responding by sending you signals to guide you forward. Signals guide you on 'how' to achieve what you desire. Like a navigation system they are pointing you in the direction of your goals and dreams.
For any one goal or dream, there are millions of potential ways in which that goal or dream could come to fruition. Life offers us endless opportunities, paths and decisions to create what we desire. There is no 'one' way. The signals are not showing you the only way, they are simply guiding you forward in a way that will serve you well, should you wish to follow them.Think of signals like the Key on a map. It is certainly very possible to find your way to your destination without referring to the Key on your map, you will likely get there eventually unaided, but with the Key it's so much easier.Very simply put - you can create the life you want, turning your goals and dreams into reality, if you follow the signals.We often spend a lot of time trying to figure out 'how' to achieve what we want in our lives. But here is the trick - our main job is to define WHAT we want, and let the signals show us HOW to achieve it.Our logical minds can sometimes tell us why our goal or dream is not possible. Our minds will find barriers, risks, obstacles to analyse, and will worry and scheme, and wonder and ponder... that is normal.
But the universe is sending you wise and peaceful signals every day in reaction to what you say you want and if you let go of trying to work how to achieve what you desire and instead focus on the joy of what you want and follow the signals,you will be led towards your goals and dreams.signals can point you towards information that can help you by showing you how to overcome hurdles and introducing you to people you need to meet, offering you lessons you need to learn, providing encouragement at times you need it and creating beneficial helpful situations that literally leverage you towards the achievements of your goals and dreams.The type of signals you have received in the past (knowingly or unknowingly), the signals you are receiving right now and the signals you will continue to receive as long as you live, are wide and varied.There is literally no end to the type of signals you can receive. However, to get you started, below are some of the most common types of signals.At times we find ourselves in the most wonderfully synchronistic situations, and the most coincidental circumstances, that seem just too good to be true! It's like the sun, stars and moon aligned in our favour. We think that we have been very lucky, to have been in the right place at the right time, heard the right information or met the right person. We think - If I had been a bit earlier or a bit later, or had decided to go somewhere else, or hadn't attended... I would not have been so lucky.However, it is no coincidence that these things occur. These are big, bold, wonderfully helpful signals.Musical Signals:Songs can often pop into your head at random times, seemingly from nowhere. You didn't hear the song on the radio, you don't love the song and hadn't chosen to hum or sing the song. At times, just 'out of the blue', you realise you are humming or singing a song. Most often, it is really just a few lines of a song.It is not the music that is signalling you, it's the lyrics. Be alert for songs popping into your unexpectedly. Pay attention. Research the song on the internet, find the lyrics, see if the lyrics relate in some way to your current circumstances, to the goal/dream you have set for yourself, to any challenges you may currently be facing.
Exercise will help you think more clearly and you will begin to have quality sleep and feel rested when you awake each day. A healthy body will help you have a healthy mind.Read more non-fiction books.Expand your horizons and knowledge by learning about new things. What are you interested in? Traveling? Gardening? Computers? Childcare? Take the time to curl up with a good book (or Kindle reader) learn, explore and grow mentally, too.Read books about positive mindsets, too. Browse the Self-Improvement section of Bookstores.Take stock of your life.
In most cases, this process takes place without us being aware of.Now the question is: can we make consciously changes in our daily habits? How can we deliberately change our habits and overcome their resistance? Changes in our daily habits are not only possible, but also advisable to be done when we decide to make bigger changes in our lives.We firstly need to evaluate all the actions we are doing during the day, think about and decide which ones are good to be kept or even extended and which need to be replaced with better ones.
Secondly, through a step by step process, we are going to start making the desired changes.It is very important to not overdue. Don't start with more than one habit and, at the beginning, my advice is to perform the new action for short time spans, then increase the time gradually. Once you have the first habit installed (it will probably take 1-2 months), introduce a new one. Making small steps every day is the best way to succeed.
Make a plan.Skyscrapers are never built unless a plan has been prepared first. Your life is no different. A plan will help you set goals and goals are important. If you don't know where you are going you could end up going where you never wanted to go, so make a plan.There are short-term plans as well as long-term plans and you should make both.Begin with a short-term plan. What do you want to do tomorrow? Where do you want to go and how will you get there? What do you want to accomplish while you are there and why? Making such a plan will give you cause to think about things you have not considered? What do you want to do next week? Make a plan for the entire week, not just one day of the week.What about next month? What do you want to accomplish next month? Having a better idea will help you make the time to do that and you will begin to make better use of your time.Work your way up to a one-year plan. Where do you want to be one year from today? Why do you want to be there? How will you get there?The answer is one day at a time.
We are constantly told to focus on WHAT we want, and to allow the universe the show us HOW. We are told to align our beliefs, thoughts and feelings with what we want, to be an energetic vibrational match with what we desire, in order to attract that to us through the Law of Attraction. However, we MUST also take ACTION. We must be poised react to act and grab opportunities that come to us. We must be fully alert and conscious to our daily life in order that we recognise that which we are attracting to us. And, often the things that we want don't always come in the form we expect.Often we are left at a loss for exactly what type of action to take. Faced with opportunity, we might recognise it and pause too long to benefit from opportunity, or we may be so caught up in our heads that we miss opportunity altogether and it passes us by.What if I told you that every day there are very specific, very unique, very special SIGNALS being sent to you, to show you HOW to create the change in your life that will bring you happiness? What if I told you that if you were simply aware and ready for those signals then following those signals would lead you towards:Greater understanding of yourself,Greater happiness and joy,Greater peace and calm,Greater feelings of connectionAll the things you desire in your life both physically in your world and internally within you.I'm here to tell you that this opportunity exists for you. There ARE signals that are guiding you, unique to you, right now. There always have been and there always will be. Those signals come to guide you the highest and best way to achieve your purpose in this life. If only you will awaken to them. I'm here to share with you that the FOLLOW THE SIGNALS way of living can change your life forever, just as it did mine.What is the "Follow the Signals" way of living about? Our beliefs, thoughts and feelings literally create our reality.The world around you is always moving in response to your energy, in response to what you believe, think and feel.Beyond our physical world is an unseen, yet very powerful dimension that is constantly reacting to your beliefs, thoughts and feelings and it is constantly beckoning your attention to guide you on "how" to achieve what you desire.It guides you by way of signals...Every day The Universe is sending you signals, whether you are aware of them or not; unusual happenings, surprising coincidences, situations, people and things turn up in your life when you need them most.If you know how to look for signals, and are willing to follow them, the signals can support you, encourage you and most importantly guide you towards your goals and dreams.Signals are 'things' that happen in your day to day life that are there to catch your attention, to signal you forward towards your goals and dreams. Signals are here to guide you. They are unique and specific to you and they are never-ending. You are receiving them right now, you always have been and you always will. The key is - are you aware of them?
Signals comes to us in an endless number of ways, such as: unusual happenings, situations, occurrences, events, people, things, surprising coincidences, synchronicities, dreams, animal totems, song lyrics that pop into your head 'out of the blue', imagery/symbols that repetitively show up in your life.Signals tend to be things that are out of the ordinary, surprising, random, 'coincidental' and often repetitive in nature. As they can seem to be random, and to be just 'coincidence', it is easy to miss them completely, or... to see/hear them but to misinterpret them as meaningless.This report has been designed to AWAKEN you to the existence of Signals: what they are, why they exist, and how to utilise them as guidance as you go about creating a life you love and turning your dreams into reality.Where do signals come from? Our world is made up of energy. Every tangible, physical thing in our world is made up of energy, and all intangible things, such as our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings are also made up of energy. The world we live in operates on energy. Energy is the hidden engine room behind what we see around us.The Law of Attraction states that you attract to yourself the things, people, circumstances and outcomes that resonate with your own energy. Therefore, if you direct your beliefs, thoughts and feelings in a positive way, focusing on what you want, you attract back to yourself more of the same - positive things.It is very important to focus on what you want - to live in alignment with the Law of Attraction, by directing positive belief, thoughts and feelings towards your goals and dreams, but you must also create your life with action. Sitting still waiting for life to happen to you is not the way to turn your dreams into reality.As you focus on what you want in your life, The Universe is literally responding by sending you signals to guide you forward. Signals guide you on 'how' to achieve what you desire. Like a navigation system they are pointing you in the direction of your goals and dreams.
For any one goal or dream, there are millions of potential ways in which that goal or dream could come to fruition. Life offers us endless opportunities, paths and decisions to create what we desire. There is no 'one' way. The signals are not showing you the only way, they are simply guiding you forward in a way that will serve you well, should you wish to follow them.Think of signals like the Key on a map. It is certainly very possible to find your way to your destination without referring to the Key on your map, you will likely get there eventually unaided, but with the Key it's so much easier.Very simply put - you can create the life you want, turning your goals and dreams into reality, if you follow the signals.We often spend a lot of time trying to figure out 'how' to achieve what we want in our lives. But here is the trick - our main job is to define WHAT we want, and let the signals show us HOW to achieve it.Our logical minds can sometimes tell us why our goal or dream is not possible. Our minds will find barriers, risks, obstacles to analyse, and will worry and scheme, and wonder and ponder... that is normal.
But the universe is sending you wise and peaceful signals every day in reaction to what you say you want and if you let go of trying to work how to achieve what you desire and instead focus on the joy of what you want and follow the signals,you will be led towards your goals and dreams.signals can point you towards information that can help you by showing you how to overcome hurdles and introducing you to people you need to meet, offering you lessons you need to learn, providing encouragement at times you need it and creating beneficial helpful situations that literally leverage you towards the achievements of your goals and dreams.The type of signals you have received in the past (knowingly or unknowingly), the signals you are receiving right now and the signals you will continue to receive as long as you live, are wide and varied.There is literally no end to the type of signals you can receive. However, to get you started, below are some of the most common types of signals.At times we find ourselves in the most wonderfully synchronistic situations, and the most coincidental circumstances, that seem just too good to be true! It's like the sun, stars and moon aligned in our favour. We think that we have been very lucky, to have been in the right place at the right time, heard the right information or met the right person. We think - If I had been a bit earlier or a bit later, or had decided to go somewhere else, or hadn't attended... I would not have been so lucky.However, it is no coincidence that these things occur. These are big, bold, wonderfully helpful signals.Musical Signals:Songs can often pop into your head at random times, seemingly from nowhere. You didn't hear the song on the radio, you don't love the song and hadn't chosen to hum or sing the song. At times, just 'out of the blue', you realise you are humming or singing a song. Most often, it is really just a few lines of a song.It is not the music that is signalling you, it's the lyrics. Be alert for songs popping into your unexpectedly. Pay attention. Research the song on the internet, find the lyrics, see if the lyrics relate in some way to your current circumstances, to the goal/dream you have set for yourself, to any challenges you may currently be facing.
Exercise will help you think more clearly and you will begin to have quality sleep and feel rested when you awake each day. A healthy body will help you have a healthy mind.Read more non-fiction books.Expand your horizons and knowledge by learning about new things. What are you interested in? Traveling? Gardening? Computers? Childcare? Take the time to curl up with a good book (or Kindle reader) learn, explore and grow mentally, too.Read books about positive mindsets, too. Browse the Self-Improvement section of Bookstores.Take stock of your life.
In most cases, this process takes place without us being aware of.Now the question is: can we make consciously changes in our daily habits? How can we deliberately change our habits and overcome their resistance? Changes in our daily habits are not only possible, but also advisable to be done when we decide to make bigger changes in our lives.We firstly need to evaluate all the actions we are doing during the day, think about and decide which ones are good to be kept or even extended and which need to be replaced with better ones.
Secondly, through a step by step process, we are going to start making the desired changes.It is very important to not overdue. Don't start with more than one habit and, at the beginning, my advice is to perform the new action for short time spans, then increase the time gradually. Once you have the first habit installed (it will probably take 1-2 months), introduce a new one. Making small steps every day is the best way to succeed.
Make a plan.Skyscrapers are never built unless a plan has been prepared first. Your life is no different. A plan will help you set goals and goals are important. If you don't know where you are going you could end up going where you never wanted to go, so make a plan.There are short-term plans as well as long-term plans and you should make both.Begin with a short-term plan. What do you want to do tomorrow? Where do you want to go and how will you get there? What do you want to accomplish while you are there and why? Making such a plan will give you cause to think about things you have not considered? What do you want to do next week? Make a plan for the entire week, not just one day of the week.What about next month? What do you want to accomplish next month? Having a better idea will help you make the time to do that and you will begin to make better use of your time.Work your way up to a one-year plan. Where do you want to be one year from today? Why do you want to be there? How will you get there?The answer is one day at a time.
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