Looking for the key to the Law of Attraction and obtaining everything you could possibly want in life? In his classic book, The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles provided a simple and powerful answer: be grateful for your blessings.Gratitude and the Law of Attraction.After a hundred years, Wattles' "Science Book" has benefitted the lives of a tremendous number of men and women. Behaving and thinking in his "Certain Way," Wattles guaranteed, will grant you the riches you desire.
Wattles refers to the certain way in a couple of different contexts, but the essence of his message is that you will enjoy success by transcending your competitive mind and instead operating from the realm of your creative mind.The competitive mind is the place from which most of your daily life and that of those around you operates. It is the mentality that resources are scarce, times are tough, and there must be winners and losers. It leads to a natural sense of distrust and inherent competition in everything we think or do.
When you operate from the position of the competitive mind, your focus is almost exclusively on you. You are focused on how you will benefit or stand to gain, and on what's in it for you. You are not focused upon others. You look to do the minimum required in order to get the result you want.
If you fill your awareness with grateful feelings about all the blessings in your life, you can't also hold onto negative thinking. A stress-free and joyful life is heading your way! Gratitude raises you onto the Creative Plane.In his "Science Book," Wattles explained the journey between two realities: the Competitive Plane and the Creative Plane.The Competitive Plane is led by struggle and fear. Here people think that they have to fight their way to the top and get the upper hand for a seemingly a limited supply of riches.The Creative Plane is on the other end of the spectrum. Here people prosper surrounded by a world characterized by love, joy, and freedom. These people realize that there isn't a limit to the riches the universe can supply and there's not a need to concern oneself with competition. There is an abundance of every possible good.Wattles' primary point is to embrace the spirit of a Creator not a Competitor. And the continuous expression of gratitude allows you to plant your feet securely on the Creative Plane.Faith stems from being grateful.
Come to think of it, it doesn't surprise me in the least. An incredible movie, with wonderful mentors has to take the rap now because "The Secret" isn't working for every body.Poor Ronda Byrne (actually far from poor after selling over a million copies of "The Secret") getting criticised for labelling people philosophers. Well what are they then? Those philosophers, have been my mentors, I have learnt so much about creating a wonderful life for myself from those very people starring in "The Secret". I knew about those people before The Secret was such a hit.
Here comes a movie which tells the truth, the stuff that that "The Master Teacher" was trying to get into our cerebral area 2000 years ago. He was ridiculed to the point of crucifixion. "Whatsoever things ye ask for when ye pray, believe that you receive them, and ye shall have them," said Jesus. I'll admit that I read the same book that Ronda Byrne's says changed her life "The Science of Getting Rich".
When you transcend the competitive mind and make a habit of operating from your creative mind instead, by law of reciprocity, you get back what you give. That is in fact the way riches come to you and it is one of the basic tenets of what Wattles teaches in The Science of Getting Rich.As you all know the movie The Secret has taken the world by storm. It's been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show several times, on Ellen, Larry King Live, as well as several print publications to include Newsweek, People, The New York Times, & Time Magazine.Since watching the The Secret movie about a year ago, my life has taken a turn from going nowhere to becoming something I never had dreamed of, a Millionaire.
It sounds like a power packed program and judging by the success of ,"The Secret", I'm sure it is well on its way to deliver its potent formula for building wealth on a worldwide level.Is it possible that our reality is created by our thoughts? Well a universal law known as the, "Law of Attraction", states: How we think is directly linked to what is manifested in our lives.You can look at it like this: For every action there is a reaction. Therefore we can say for every positive thought there is a positive reaction. This is no mumbo jumbo, in fact; it is a self-evident truth that your thoughts are made up of the energy that has a direct affect to your reality.Holding no one else responsible, we are the creators of our own reality by the way we think and the choices we make. When we truly grasp this concept we begin to take control of our lives and understand that the only limits we have are the ones we create.
We must be careful how we think though and always be aware of the type of thoughts we choose because what we think about will be attracted to us wither we know it or not. If you are always thinking about what you dont want to happen, more than likely, it will be attracted into your life. Instead focus all your energy on your success and remember to think big. (No limits!) You have to really feel what you want, like you have already reached your destination and stay focused on that energy in your mind, and eventually it will be a reality. There can be no distractions, so let go of any thoughts that may get in the way of what you want. It is really that simple.
By applying the principles taught in The Science of Getting Rich program. It's EASY to attract ANYTHING you can imagine or desire.If you haven't watched the movie yet, You can purchase it here.If you HAVE seen The Secret, then you need to take advantage of the free lessons offered by Micheal Beckwith, Bob Proctor, and Jack Canfield.The Official Secret Teachers will show you how to use the Law of Attraction to bring more positive and wonderful things into your life. If you like to free lessons then you can go on to take the longer course which is bound to be full of lots of information that you can use to greatly increase the flow of positive things into your life.
Wattles refers to the certain way in a couple of different contexts, but the essence of his message is that you will enjoy success by transcending your competitive mind and instead operating from the realm of your creative mind.The competitive mind is the place from which most of your daily life and that of those around you operates. It is the mentality that resources are scarce, times are tough, and there must be winners and losers. It leads to a natural sense of distrust and inherent competition in everything we think or do.
When you operate from the position of the competitive mind, your focus is almost exclusively on you. You are focused on how you will benefit or stand to gain, and on what's in it for you. You are not focused upon others. You look to do the minimum required in order to get the result you want.
If you fill your awareness with grateful feelings about all the blessings in your life, you can't also hold onto negative thinking. A stress-free and joyful life is heading your way! Gratitude raises you onto the Creative Plane.In his "Science Book," Wattles explained the journey between two realities: the Competitive Plane and the Creative Plane.The Competitive Plane is led by struggle and fear. Here people think that they have to fight their way to the top and get the upper hand for a seemingly a limited supply of riches.The Creative Plane is on the other end of the spectrum. Here people prosper surrounded by a world characterized by love, joy, and freedom. These people realize that there isn't a limit to the riches the universe can supply and there's not a need to concern oneself with competition. There is an abundance of every possible good.Wattles' primary point is to embrace the spirit of a Creator not a Competitor. And the continuous expression of gratitude allows you to plant your feet securely on the Creative Plane.Faith stems from being grateful.
Come to think of it, it doesn't surprise me in the least. An incredible movie, with wonderful mentors has to take the rap now because "The Secret" isn't working for every body.Poor Ronda Byrne (actually far from poor after selling over a million copies of "The Secret") getting criticised for labelling people philosophers. Well what are they then? Those philosophers, have been my mentors, I have learnt so much about creating a wonderful life for myself from those very people starring in "The Secret". I knew about those people before The Secret was such a hit.
Here comes a movie which tells the truth, the stuff that that "The Master Teacher" was trying to get into our cerebral area 2000 years ago. He was ridiculed to the point of crucifixion. "Whatsoever things ye ask for when ye pray, believe that you receive them, and ye shall have them," said Jesus. I'll admit that I read the same book that Ronda Byrne's says changed her life "The Science of Getting Rich".
When you transcend the competitive mind and make a habit of operating from your creative mind instead, by law of reciprocity, you get back what you give. That is in fact the way riches come to you and it is one of the basic tenets of what Wattles teaches in The Science of Getting Rich.As you all know the movie The Secret has taken the world by storm. It's been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show several times, on Ellen, Larry King Live, as well as several print publications to include Newsweek, People, The New York Times, & Time Magazine.Since watching the The Secret movie about a year ago, my life has taken a turn from going nowhere to becoming something I never had dreamed of, a Millionaire.
It sounds like a power packed program and judging by the success of ,"The Secret", I'm sure it is well on its way to deliver its potent formula for building wealth on a worldwide level.Is it possible that our reality is created by our thoughts? Well a universal law known as the, "Law of Attraction", states: How we think is directly linked to what is manifested in our lives.You can look at it like this: For every action there is a reaction. Therefore we can say for every positive thought there is a positive reaction. This is no mumbo jumbo, in fact; it is a self-evident truth that your thoughts are made up of the energy that has a direct affect to your reality.Holding no one else responsible, we are the creators of our own reality by the way we think and the choices we make. When we truly grasp this concept we begin to take control of our lives and understand that the only limits we have are the ones we create.
We must be careful how we think though and always be aware of the type of thoughts we choose because what we think about will be attracted to us wither we know it or not. If you are always thinking about what you dont want to happen, more than likely, it will be attracted into your life. Instead focus all your energy on your success and remember to think big. (No limits!) You have to really feel what you want, like you have already reached your destination and stay focused on that energy in your mind, and eventually it will be a reality. There can be no distractions, so let go of any thoughts that may get in the way of what you want. It is really that simple.
By applying the principles taught in The Science of Getting Rich program. It's EASY to attract ANYTHING you can imagine or desire.If you haven't watched the movie yet, You can purchase it here.If you HAVE seen The Secret, then you need to take advantage of the free lessons offered by Micheal Beckwith, Bob Proctor, and Jack Canfield.The Official Secret Teachers will show you how to use the Law of Attraction to bring more positive and wonderful things into your life. If you like to free lessons then you can go on to take the longer course which is bound to be full of lots of information that you can use to greatly increase the flow of positive things into your life.
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