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Will I Ever Find Love Again

By Mark M. Abrams

There is one thing that runs through your mind when you have to deal with breaking up with your girlfriend, even if you don't want to admit to it. That thing is, you wonder if you are going to be able to ever find love again. That is a pretty universal fear and it is one that guys just don't talk about with other guys. Yet, if you don't acknowledge that you have that fear, it can severely limit what happens down the road. It can make you jump into a new relationship with the wrong woman a little bit too quickly and it can also make you feel like going back to an old girlfriend, all because you are afraid that you won't be able to find love again.

Love isn't going to just knock on your door. You really do need to invest in the process if you want to ever find love again. Do you have this list of must haves in a man? If you do, I suggest the first step is to throw that list away. I am not saying settle, but entertain the possibility that love may not come in the package you expect. A man with a true pure heart, able to love and adore you may not look or be anything like you expect. Open your mind to different types of men than you normally would date. I am a prissy pot. I am in a committed relationship with my opposite. Rough around the edges, blue collar hard working man. No suit and tie like I was accustomed too.

Are you online dating. 1 in 5 relationships start online. You can make all the excuses you want but the fact is this. It works if you do it right. If you just toss a profile up there with out a lot of thought, you are setting yourself up for failure in this area as well. To date online is like a job and should be taken seriously. You need to invest time and possibly even money into it to really succeed. Get a professional profile, have a dating coach help you if you get frustrated with online dating. Online dating should be fun.

What hampers most guys is, they just aren't that good at rebounding. Most men who feel like they have lost the only woman that they could ever love either stay in a place where they are constantly thinking about their ex girlfriend or they end running for the first woman that they can find and that usually doesn't work out so well. Instead, what YOU want to do is to find out how to identify exactly what it is that you are looking for and how to make a woman feel massive attraction for you. If you do that, not only will you be able to get over the feeling of having lost the only woman you could ever love, you will be able to find someone new and someone better for you.So many people ask this question that I wanted to talk about it. Many of my friends and clients have been single for what seems like an eternity.

Let's take Joan as an example. She is a beautiful woman with a daughter. She has patiently waited for her daughter to reach her mid-teen years before pursuing a love relationship for herself. For 10 years, Joan has been steadily working on herself to let go of old pain and release old behaviors that attracted more problem relationships. She has a great job and owns a home. She has been cleaning house emotionally, mentally, financially and spiritually.

Anyone can find someone to fulfill them, someone they can call their soulmate. Its great that you want to find someone. Believe it or not but some of us in the world like to be alone. There are people who see friends and family as being weak. They think everyone around them only wants to hurt them, and so they live alone and fun by themselves.Some people just hate companionship, which is alright. Its their life and they can live it the way they want to. If you're someone asking "will I ever find love?" then the first thing you need to do that is to have the ability to take chances.Take a chance to speak to people, just start talking to people. Love is built through communication and with that said, how will you ever fall in love with someone if you don't start meeting people. Every time you walk outside there are people who you can talk to.

"Take time to savor the triumph and to harvest the gifts of wisdom you receive. Search within yourself to find the qualities of soul that have been strengthened through your experience. These qualities may include humility, devotion, determination, or depth. Bask in gratitude and open your heart to let yourself be saturated with liberating love. You may feel as if you are leaving behind deadness and stepping into life. What part of you has come to life?"The angels of Liberation stand beside you every moment, waiting to take your hands and pull you into unconditional love. Take an action that represents reaching out to these angels."

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