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Anxiety Symptoms In Women - 6 Critical Causes For This

By Leila Pinto Almeida

Anxiety symptoms in women can be varied depending on the intensity of the episode. You can find both psychological and physical symptoms. Both the symptoms have its own effects and can affect the person terribly. The level of the anxiety might be slight or severe, one has to understand the symptoms in order to overcome the medical condition. Find the top 9 physical anxiety symptoms in women.

Hormonal Imbalance.Hormonal imbalance is the major cause of anxiety symptoms in women. This disorder starts in women during the perimenopause stage which is several years before the onset of menopause. The alteration in progesterone hormone levels can create panic during premenstrual and menopause stages.Brain chemistry.Improper function of the brain chemicals is also one of the critical causes of anxiety symptoms in women. If the neurotransmitter has a problem in functioning, then it will lead to anxiety symptoms. This condition can be rectified by proper medication and treatment.

Stress.Women are more stressed than men as they are juggling between various activities. Teenagers face peer pressure while older adults have problems with marriage and work. Hectic and unorganized lifestyle also results in anxiety symptoms in women. Stress hormone cortisol is seen in elevated level when women are stressed and this causes various anxiety symptoms.

Perspiration.Sweating occurs naturally when you exercise or during hot weather. However, when you become over anxious and afraid for unknown reason you will start to perspire badly in normal condition.Palpitation.Palpitation occurs when the heart pounds irregularly. Chest, neck, throat are the areas where you can feel the palpitation. Heart pounding is something each one of us would feel at some point in our life, but during anxiety palpitation is felt very often.Shaking and trembling.You feel shaky when you are anxious.High level stress and severe tension arising due to anxiety can lead to this condition.

Personality.Women with low esteem and poor coping skills easily become victims of this medical condition. Women should learn to confidently face the world and try to improve their skills in order to meet the prevailing situations.Women should learn to have control over their lives and should stay away from the various causes that trigger anxiety. Anxiety symptoms in women are clearly visible and one has to consult the health practitioner immediately to seek assistance.Today, many women are victims of anxiety due to the hectic and busy lifestyle. Anxiety symptoms in women are triggered due to various internal and external factors. To alleviate the symptoms exercise is the best remedy, but many won't feel like doing it. However, once you start your exercise program, you will get motivated by the great results.

Treat it with food.Generally people think that every disorder needs a Doctor's prescription to get over but food therapy is one of the most enjoyable therapies. Find here some Do's and Don'ts to treat anxiety symptoms in women.Don'ts - Lessen your sugar intake, say no to junk and processed food. Stop taking liquor. Stay away from foods which are rich in Omega-6 fatty acid.Do's - include omega-3 in your diet; eat protein rich and complex carbohydrate diets. Eat whole grain and green vegetables which have B complex vitamins, magnesium, selenium and folic acid.Meditation and yoga.Many observations and research has proved that anxiety can be treated successfully by meditation and yoga. Try some 'Asanas' (yoga postures) and learn how to relax.

Give time to yourself.The simple formula is to go out and have fun. Try shopping; go for a spa or anything which makes you feel comfortable. Be social, interact with people and get along with new friends, knowing new people and exchanging ideas can calm you.Talking therapy.Talking therapy can be fruitful if done by an experienced person because he can dig out the cause of the anxiety which lies within you. Your mentor can analyze your shortcomings and evaluate the seriousness of the problem.Psychological treatment.This is a treatment done by an expert who deals with similar kind of situations. Generally, anxiety symptoms in women can be cured by this method. A counselor can make the disorder heal much faster.

Exercise regularly.Regular exercise can lower the risk of anxiety by releasing endorphins in your body. The release of this hormone will make you feel happy and rejuvenating. Experts believe that a short and regular session of 20 minutes, three to four times a week can serve the purpose. Medication.And the last but not the least, medication should be taken with the proper prescription of a medical practitioner. The prescription may include sleeping pills to relax you. The treatment of anxiety symptoms in women may include Serotonin and Venalafaxin.Before starting any treatment you must know about its side effects and duration of the treatment. Following above methods will help you to relieve from severe anxiety.

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