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Daily Affirmations - How To Use Them To Change Your Life

By Ann C. Otto

There are a lot of people out there that are skeptical about the idea that daily affirmations will be able to do anything to help improve their lives. A lot of these people think that repeating a phrase to themselves every single day seems a little silly and even embarrassing. If you already know that you want to be happy, wealthy, and successful, then what's the point of repeating this to yourself every single day?

Affirmations are powerful so you must remember to use your words carefully. Choose words that are in complete alignment with you and what you want, choose only positive phrases and affirm them in the here and now by using words such as "I am" and "I have".When trying to manifest your desires through affirmations and any other techniques consistency is the key ( just as it is with many other things in life.) Whatever we give our attention to is what we are drawing into our life. You need to consistently place your attention on that which you desire. Visualisation combined with positive affirmations is the key to getting what you want. See yourself as already having it, let your thoughts and feelings flow to enjoying the object or the experience.

Pay attention to how you feel. If you are feeling good you are moving into the position of allowing what you want to come into your life, if you are feeling disappointment or any other negative feeling you are thinking about the absence of what you want in your life. This will stop it from coming to you. It is your right to live the life that you dream about and learning to manifest your desires will help you achieve it. Remember to follow the basic rules of asking, believing, receiving and affirming daily.

For thousands of years, a small percentage of the world population has been using the power of daily affirmations to help them with their health and achieve the happiness that they desire. It is simply interesting that just by repeating certain key phrases to yourself everyday can have a positive impact on your attitude. What exactly are daily affirmations and how can you use daily affirmations as you strive towards abundance and personal growth?Daily affirmations are statements said in the present tense that you reiterate daily. When used with intent, your daily affirmations can go beyond positive thinking and create lasting changes in your mind to help you to change your life.Simple daily affirmations like, "I am successful in my work" can be a great handy tool that we can use to reprogram our subconscious mind. Most successful people tend to devote at least 15 minutes a day, to practice his or her daily affirmations in a quiet and unobtrusive place. These are your private moments where you tell your subconscious mind what you want to achieve in your life.

Say Positive Daily Affirmations With Conviction. Some experts recommend saying positive daily affirmations silently. They say that silent affirmations are more effective than spoken statements, because they entail more intensity of concentration and resonate through your entire body instead of in your surroundings. Others recommend saying them out loud, because you can also use your facial expression or hand gestures for more conviction. For whatever it is, positive daily affirmations made in a half hearted manner are not going to be as effective as the ones that you make with deliberate intention.

You might want to extend these phrases into affirmation statements that you can repeat to yourself at ease and sounds believable. To make this daily affirmation process grow, write out thirty different statements for each day of the month. Affirmations are based on the reasoning that we create our own conditions and experienced through our feelings and thoughts.One example of a daily affirmation statement that I personally used is, "Let me live each moment of this day attentively, consciously and intentionally, with an open mind and an open heart".

The basic idea of practicing daily affirmations is to plant positive seeds of thought into your subconscious mind. By doing this you give yourself permission to grow, to change, to take risks, to rise up, and to create a better life for yourself. Its purpose is to create self-awareness by having your spirit guide your thoughts and actions throughout your life instead of having your past tape continue to run your life for you.Daily affirmations can and will help you with your health and help you achieve the happiness you desire.

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