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Best Way To Treat Trichotillomania

By Gerda J. Worth

Trichotillomania is an impulse control or brain disease similar to OCD or addiction where the person pulls out their own hair. The hair can be located anywhere. Trichotillamania may be caused by trauma, rape, physical violence, torture, child abuse, and very severe emotional abuse. It may be minor and easily managed or severe. This disease can overwhelm the person. It is very important for the person with this disease to eliminate or minimize exposure to any severely negative people in their life that are abusive or exploitative. It is an emotional disorder that usually needs several therapies in order to be managed successfully. There are many alternative therapies which are untried for this illness, but these may successful due to the large emotional component of the illness. Trichotillomania seems similar to addiction, OCD, and a bad habit. Quieting the mind should be one of the goals of any therapy. Alternative therapies that quiet the mind include Yoga, scalp acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT), botanical extracts, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS),and orthomolecular medicine.[]

Mixed results have been reported with the use of SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). In conjunction with the use of SSRIs, some researchers have recommended the use of neuroleptic drugs (antipsychotics) in low doses. Treating trichotillomania with medication is usually combined with behavioral training therapy.Using behavioral training therapy in treating trichotillomania has reported results of a 90% and higher success rate, even as a stand alone treatment. As the hair pulling behavior that sufferers exhibit is a triggered response to negative emotional stimuli (such as stress, anger, anxiety, etc.), psychoanalysis can be an aid to gaining a better understanding of just which stimuli can trigger each individual's behavior.

This is mainly done by focusing on the person's childhood experiences and/or any unresolved issues or conflicts that had initially been experienced during the early developmental stages of the individual's life. Treating trichotillomania with behavioral therapy, such as with habit reversal training, teaches the individual to monitor their hair pulling behavior and begin to replace it with healthier habits. It is with this type of therapy that the most successes occur. Some alternative means of treating trichotillomania can include hypnosis and also biofeedback therapy.Pulling out eyelashes is a form of Trichotillomania. This disorder sees the sufferer compulsively hair pulling or plucking hair from the body and head. The urge for pulling eyelashes or any bodily hair can begin at any time and is normally a symptom of anxiety and stress. As a result of this condition, the sufferer is left with no eyelashes or bald patches.Doctors will primarily prescribe drugs such as Prozac and Zoloft as treatment for Trichotillomania. These Seratonin reuptake inhibitors have been proven to be effective in treating the possible cause of pulling out eyelashes that is a Seratonin difficiency.

Boredom, stress, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and pain are what make trying to stop pulling out eyelashes very difficult. Sufferers worry about what other people think which worsens the problem and only builds on the emotional anguish. By realizing the emotional triggers that start you pulling eyelashes, you can learn to work on curing yourself.Accepting that you have a problem is a major step to stop pulling eyelashes. No one thinks any less of you for doing it, so confide in friends and family. The longer you hide from your problem of, the longer it will take to treat. With acceptance, you will start to feel better emotionally which in the end will help you physically stop pulling out eyelashes.

A vital step to stop pulling eyelashes is that you learn to relax and free yourself from any anxiety, stress or emotional anguish. By distracting yourself and engaging in other activities, you will be too occupied to be pulling out eyelashes.This method can be very effective to stop pulling out eyelashes. By applying a coat Vaseline to the eyelashes, they become slippery and make pulling eyelashes extremely difficult. A negative would be that this creates more frustration for the sufferer and hair gets pulled from other parts of the body.

The onset of the symptoms is between the range of ages from nine to fourteen. Reports claim that more than 75-95% patients suffering from hair pulling disorder are females. The primary symptoms might lead to several other secondary symptoms like depression or panic attacks. The main root cause of pulling hair disorder is still unclear. However, many people believe that it is a genetic disorder. There are several other people who believe that trichotillomania is a learned behavior thereby refuting its genetic basis.

While SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) provide generally mixed results on their own, researchers usually recommend using these in conjunction with neuroleptic drugs (antipsychotics) in very low doses as a medical means of trichotillomania therapy. Due to the low success rates of medications as a stand alone form of therapy, these are usually combined with behavioral therapy. Psychoanalysis tends to focus on childhood experiences and unresolved conflicts or issues during early developmental stages of the person's life.

They are as such:Determination of the root cause: This involves a quick study for the care takers. They should observe the components that trigger the trichotillomania symptoms like pulling own hair and eating it. The triggers can be stress, boredom, unhealthy diet, trauma encountered in childhood and many more. Once these triggers are controlled you can cure trichotillomania.Adaptation to stress and its triggers: Many doctors believe that the simplest way to cure trichotillomania is to carefully handle your stress within your tolerance limits.Medications like Prozac, Luvox, Anafranil and so on so forth can cure trichotillomania.Behavioral therapy: This involves meditations and substitution behavior therapy. There therapies reduce the stress levels and urges significantly and thereby helps you to cure trichotillomania.Acceptance: The acceptance of the disorder would miraculously lower your stress and thereby helps you to cure trichotillomania.

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