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How Subliminal Messages Works

By Willie E. Vazquez

Subliminal messages have long been discussed, criticised, debated, dismissed.. yet in our modern society there are so many different applications, and despite conflicting evidence for their ability to influence the human mind, still they are used - especially within the media around us.

Research had demonstrated how subliminal messages are unconsciously received and processed as words within the brain (Malik, Krasney, Aldworth & Ladd, 1996). Research shifted from proving the reality of subliminal perception to seeking methods to enhance its effectiveness.So how does subliminal messaging work? Let us explore the process using the example of weight loss programming. Here, subliminal messages are designed to change an individual's relationship with food and alter the emotional triggers of excessive calorie intake.

These are disguised to the listener's conscious mind, through either video and/or audio manipulation. The reason for this is to bypass the conscious mind. The conscious mind, to be useful to man, is very critical and inflexible. It enjoys being right and thinking through things rationally and logically.If it were told "Hey you're healthy now," it will draw on evidence to support or refute the assertion. It may well reply, "You can't just say that. I always eat too much Pizza. Hey, you don't even know me! The unconscious mind in contrast is capable of a far broader perception - it sees and hears far more information. It need not be selective of the information it receives as it can process a lot more of it per second. By exploiting loopholes in conscious perception, affirmations are not decoded consciously but freely enter the ever welcoming unconscious mind unhindered. Through repetition, the unconscious mind begins to accept the affirmations and explore new decision sets and new ways of thinking. The unconscious mind draws upon its lateral thinking, flexibility and creativity to interpret the information it is presented with.

But it is here where the misinformation creeps in. Subliminal perception does not trigger a magical process whereby an individual can listen to the programming then automatically shed the pounds. Cognition, like voyages of discovery and home cooking cannot be outsourced. In truth, subliminal perception only refers to the one way communication of information.Information received through subliminal perception is no more in control of behaviour, than the unconscious world of dreams. The decisions which lead to life changes remain firmly in the territory of the conscious mind and are part of the normal decision making process.So if subliminal messages do not control behaviour - what's going on? Understanding what is going on requires a little more subtlety. Subliminal programming such as those produced by Subliminal Today are aimed at alter decision sets and reinforcing through affirmation, specific aspects of self-perception.

The idea here is that the transmission is still intercepted by the subconscious mind and impacts upon the brain without the conscious mind hearing.The implications and uses for this type of subliminal embedding are not so much for advertising, but there are reports of musicians implanting suggestions.. sometimes less than savory, in their music. Although this is heavily debated and more often just coincidence of the song sounding similar when played backwards but usually not containing a deliberate hidden message. The main way that audio is used is as a tool for self development. There is a huge home industry now around using subliminal messages for self improvement - the idea being that you can listen at home, to positive subliminal messages and rewire the negativity in your mind into positivity to help you to change your outward behavior, your habits and belief systems

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