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Six Simple Principles That Will Set You Up For Abundance And Prosperity

By Zoe Smith

Do you have a dream? If you are not pursuing your dream you it's probably because of a fear of lack in some area in your life. You have to know that you were not created that way. Abundance and prosperity is your divine right and these prosperity laws will help you realize your life's dream which can be yours if you dare to believe it.

1. Be a magnet to positive energy. What are the vibes you are emanating? Are you a positive or negative person? You will know by the thoughts you have had this whole day. Did you think of things that are exciting and happy, or sad and angry? You cannot see your thoughts and emotions but they are very real power sources that are transmitted to the world every day. If you want to be rich, its simple-think rich. The universe will make sure that what you ask for you will get. Use this to your advantage and see your own world change.

2. Take charge of your life. You are not a fragile leaf tossed and turned by the winds of change. While bad things do happen to good people sometimes, this should not be your prevailing concern. It might lead you to fear every opportunity presented lest you be a victim of imagined trouble ahead. You cannot help some things from happening but you can always control your response to it. You need to stop pointing fingers and start looking ahead instead.

3. See the good. This is not to mean that you will not have problems anymore because you will. There will be several incidents every day that will challenge your convictions and inner peace. Decide right now that you will see the good in the world and keep this faith no matter what. Many cannot let go of hurts and bitterness but you have to because you cannot move on with it weighing you down. Be grateful for the simple pleasures that present itself to you every day and you will see more of them in the world around you.

4. Have a quality consciousness today. If you allow yourself to dwell in the past, you will not go anywhere. You must move forward. The present is all you have and it is all you need. It contains all your dreams and hopes in seed form waiting to be birthed. You do this by purposing to think and choose only what is beneficial to you. Let go of the past so you can grab hold of the future.

5. Expect your abundant life. An immovable expectancy of a life yet seen will be challenged in times when you do not see the results yet. Keep standing anyway. The reward is worth more than the temporary discomforts you might have experienced. Prosperity laws are unchanging as they are infallible; believe your vision and it will come to pass.

6. Put these truths to the test. Yes, you heard me. I challenge you to practice these principles and see if your life is any different because of it. You may find it difficult at first to break your old way of thinking but nothing is more worth your efforts that doing it today-- your abundance and prosperity are waiting.

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