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Natural Remedies For Stopping Anxiety

By Bo Yao

Many of the medications that have been used in the past have proved to have serious side effects and for that reason many anxiety sufferers have sought out natural non chemical remedies for their condition. That is not to say that some of the severe cases of anxiety and depression do not need to be treated by the medical profession but many anxiety sufferers could benefit from some natural remedies for anxiety.

Meditation is a favorite natural remedy for anxiety--it's fast, easy, and free. (All three of these should automatically reduce anxiety!) If you've never tried meditation, start by downloading or purchasing a guided meditation CD. Get yourself into a comfortable, upright position in a room that is quiet and free of distractions. Put the CD in to play and just listen to the instructions. A peaceful, calming voice will instruct you on how to breathe and where to let your thoughts go. After just 5 or 10 minutes of meditation, even the most anxious person will notice a dramatic shift towards tranquility.

The time you need to see a medical practitioner is when the condition gets so bad that they are no longer able to carry on with their normal life. An anxiety state can often be prevented from reaching this stage by use of natural remedies for anxiety. There are basically four natural remedies, herbal treatments, aromatherapy, meditation and aqua puncture. Any of these treatments or a combination can often bring about an improvement or cure for the problem.

One of the remedies is called the Seven Source Mushroom Extract. It is a small bottle that has a dropper vile built into the lid. You simply drop 10 droplets or more into a cup of water and take daily for 90 days. Then other people are also taking this extract straight up by dropping it on the bottom of the tongues for the direct effect to the blood stream.

I would have to say that the Seven Source Mushroom Extract was good as well as a calming feel came over me for about 1-3 hours. I just was content and working away on my projects after I took it. I realize about 20 minutes later the thing that was troubling me was no longer affecting my thinking. This is very important for those who don't like thinking or worrying about certain conditions that cause the mind to be anxious.

When it comes to trying to find a cure for anxiety, it really boils down to two choices, the unnatural route or the completely natural route. If you choose to take the journey down the unnatural, chemical "solution" route, you will experience many unpleasant consequences along the journey, than if you were to use natural remedies for anxiety.

As you'll come to realize, this world is expanding in the commerce world with more herbal and natural remedies for everyday ailments.Anxiety has been plaguing the social life of some people in the United States. This can be caused by a lot of things. It can be from the environment, lack of nutrition or can also be caused by problems in the mind. Some of the lesser anxiety attacks can be cured or treated by fish oil. In fact fish oil is a well known cure for general anxiety disorders. Fish oil not only helps the brain, it helps our skin also. This is just to show you how powerful natural remedies are when battling different types of ailments of the mind. But how about powerful anxiety attacks and disorders that cannot be cured by fish oil?

Many anxiety disorder sufferers report they feel much more anxious after consuming large amounts of alcohol. Consequently, this points to reducing the consumption of alcohol as being an extremely effective way to reduce the anxiety, but in fact, it may have limited effect. If you are a casual, occasional drinker then cutting back the amount of alcohol consumption will do very little to reduce the anxiety. This treatment solution is more effective for sufferers who routinely consume a greater amount of alcohol than occasionally on social occasions.

One of the best natural remedies that treat anxiety that I used and continue to use is SocialFear Relief. This natural herbal remedy provides a lot of benefits such relief from anxiety attacks related to social fear. It also calms the nerves, and provide lasting relief. A lot of people who bought this also uses this for public speaking and stage fright. This is a great natural herbal remedy for such tasks. Mental fear is easy to conquer with this natural herbal remedy. We need to keep in mind that this product is one of the best in treating anxiety but we also should keep in mind that proper nutrition and well being can keep anxiety away for a long time.

A natural ingredient for anxiety is Gelsemium. Gelsemium is great for people that do not like to speak in public but are forced to because they are either ordered or have to because of work or studies. This is also a great ingredient to calm the nerves in exams and tests. With this natural homeopathic ingredient, people are able to conquer stage fright, and public speaking easily. Gelsemium is a well known natural homeopathic ingredient that is used by many people and herbalists to treat anxiety disorders and attacks due to social fear.

Another popular home remedy for anxiety disorder is going for walks. It changes the mental disposition by distracting the anxious thoughts and focusing on the walking and the walking environment. Walking allows you proceed at a comfortable pace and enjoy the surroundings as you choose. This distraction can help redirect your thoughts to matters other than those that may be causing the anxiety.While it may take some time and effort to discover a method that works well to alleviate your anxiety levels, the natural solutions for anxiety treatment are enjoyed by many sufferers. The avoidance of harsh medications and a greater sense of well-being are two of the end results that are often cited as being the greatest benefits of utilizing natural remedies for anxiety.

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