We have always eaten pretty healthy. We have never been fanatical, however we've been practical - no Cheetos or Oreos, always vegetables with lunch and dinner, avoid fast food etc. So based on our decent eating along with semi-regular exercise, our weight and physical shape has remained somewhat continuous. However, now that we have reached the "other side of the hill," what was once constant, is not so anymore.
The Ah-Ha moment
We were on a trip cruise and went to a seminar (believe it or not, cruises have a lot more to offer than endless buffets and gambling) about how to enhance your metabolism. We learned about the importance of the colon and your entire digestive system as well as how many things we placed into our body that harm us; it had been overwhelming! Our Ah-Ha moment came when they basically asked what does a baby do? They eat, and then they poop. We have blocked up our systems with what we have swallowed, that foods are adhering in our bodies once they shouldn't rather than removing through efficiently.
We Don't Diet
Most people perceive the word diet as a verb. According to dictionary.com the definition is: (v.) To eat and drink according to a regulated system, especially so as to lose weight. The problem with this is that it is temporary. Once you complete the goal of losing weight, the diet ceases - and we all know what happens next: the weight comes back on. We prefer to see the word diet as a noun, again dictionary.com: (n.) The usual food and drink of a person or animal.The seminar provided a great new way to eat that was easy to follow and could be our diet for the rest of our lives.
Who is Dr. Sears
Dr. Sears has become the expert on cellular inflammation, he thoroughly describes it in his book, "Enter the Zone: A Dietary Road Map." He writes, in great detail the harms of cellular inflammation and provides solutions on how to reverse it. To sum it up, cellular inflammation is what makes us gain weight, speed up the development of chronic ailment, and decrease our physical capabilities. If the levels of cellular irritation remain elevated, it could become a silent killer. There is no drug that may reverse cellular inflammation. If you want to retake control over life, your first step needs to be the decrease of cellular inflammation.
Why We Gain Weight
Increased cellular inflammation can turn your fat cells into a "fat trap" especially if you are genetically predisposed. Once this happens, the dietary calories get trapped in your fat cells and can't be released to make the energy you need to survive and move around. As a result you are constantly hungry. Once you begin to reverse cellular inflammation, the "fat trap" is relaxed, and you stop the hunger. If you are never hungry, then cutting back on calories is easy.
The Solution: Zone Eating
The Zone Diet is clinically known to overturn cellular inflammation. The dietary program is conceptually simple. Basically separate your plate at every meal into three equal sections.
[]One-third of the plate will consist of a low-fat protein that is no bigger than the palm of your hand. Then fill the other two-thirds of the plate with colorful carbohydrates (vegetables and fruits). Finally add a dash (that's a small amount) of fat that is low in omega-6 and saturated fats such as olive oil. Simple in concept, but often difficult because you will have to avoid many of the "starchy carbs" that people love to eat (bread, pizza, pasta, potatoes, and rice). In addition, you have to maintain the appropriate balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat at every meal to maintain the hormonal balance to reduce cellular inflammation.
We have been eating this way faithfully, for just about a year, combined with a work out. It took around 60 days to notice the difference, although we felt the improvement within a week. Our "other side of the hill" bodies have vanished and we get better due to it. Not quite functioning like a baby, yet much more regular and healthy.
Until next time
Scott & Heidi
The Ah-Ha moment
We were on a trip cruise and went to a seminar (believe it or not, cruises have a lot more to offer than endless buffets and gambling) about how to enhance your metabolism. We learned about the importance of the colon and your entire digestive system as well as how many things we placed into our body that harm us; it had been overwhelming! Our Ah-Ha moment came when they basically asked what does a baby do? They eat, and then they poop. We have blocked up our systems with what we have swallowed, that foods are adhering in our bodies once they shouldn't rather than removing through efficiently.
We Don't Diet
Most people perceive the word diet as a verb. According to dictionary.com the definition is: (v.) To eat and drink according to a regulated system, especially so as to lose weight. The problem with this is that it is temporary. Once you complete the goal of losing weight, the diet ceases - and we all know what happens next: the weight comes back on. We prefer to see the word diet as a noun, again dictionary.com: (n.) The usual food and drink of a person or animal.The seminar provided a great new way to eat that was easy to follow and could be our diet for the rest of our lives.
Who is Dr. Sears
Dr. Sears has become the expert on cellular inflammation, he thoroughly describes it in his book, "Enter the Zone: A Dietary Road Map." He writes, in great detail the harms of cellular inflammation and provides solutions on how to reverse it. To sum it up, cellular inflammation is what makes us gain weight, speed up the development of chronic ailment, and decrease our physical capabilities. If the levels of cellular irritation remain elevated, it could become a silent killer. There is no drug that may reverse cellular inflammation. If you want to retake control over life, your first step needs to be the decrease of cellular inflammation.
Why We Gain Weight
Increased cellular inflammation can turn your fat cells into a "fat trap" especially if you are genetically predisposed. Once this happens, the dietary calories get trapped in your fat cells and can't be released to make the energy you need to survive and move around. As a result you are constantly hungry. Once you begin to reverse cellular inflammation, the "fat trap" is relaxed, and you stop the hunger. If you are never hungry, then cutting back on calories is easy.
The Solution: Zone Eating
The Zone Diet is clinically known to overturn cellular inflammation. The dietary program is conceptually simple. Basically separate your plate at every meal into three equal sections.
[]One-third of the plate will consist of a low-fat protein that is no bigger than the palm of your hand. Then fill the other two-thirds of the plate with colorful carbohydrates (vegetables and fruits). Finally add a dash (that's a small amount) of fat that is low in omega-6 and saturated fats such as olive oil. Simple in concept, but often difficult because you will have to avoid many of the "starchy carbs" that people love to eat (bread, pizza, pasta, potatoes, and rice). In addition, you have to maintain the appropriate balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat at every meal to maintain the hormonal balance to reduce cellular inflammation.
We have been eating this way faithfully, for just about a year, combined with a work out. It took around 60 days to notice the difference, although we felt the improvement within a week. Our "other side of the hill" bodies have vanished and we get better due to it. Not quite functioning like a baby, yet much more regular and healthy.
Until next time
Scott & Heidi
About the Author:
Scott and Heidi Shimberg are Serial Entrepreneurs who are actively studying businesses and opportunities in the online and offline marketplace. Team building and community support are their primary passions, and they work closely with their business partners to find the true potential in each individual member.
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