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Why Most Diet Plans Do Not Give Lasting Weight Loss Results


When you try to lose weight with the latest diet fad or some excessive 'fat burning' exercise program you need to understand these things are external methods. You will lose some weight at the start but 95 percent of these methods do not achieve long-term permanent weight loss for the people that embark on them.
So, they keep on trying to lose weight with the next fat diet or the next gym membership. Often they end up at a club called the yo-yo dieters club made up with people whose lives are made miserable by on again, off again dieting. The reason they fail at losing weight is that nothing has changed deep in their inner mind programming.

A diet program or a gym membership does not find and address the roadblocks and obstacles that have made you overweight in the first place. So without being fixed they continue to override the good intentions that you have with wanting to improve your health and fitness.

Hidden away in our brain can be 'junky' type thoughts and self-beliefs that have been formed over many years. Misinformation about nutrition, dieting and what proper exercise really is, accumulates and is mixed together with some good old self-delusion. It is this inherited wisdom that derails you over and over again no matter how many diets or exercise programs you begin.

Flip the switch to successful weight loss

You can think of your mind just like a computer. If you have a weight gain program installed it 'runs' the same way a computer runs software. It will give the same result over and over. This weight gain software is a type of mental 'inner' program that can run in our subconscious mind. Often we are not even aware of it running but we are aware of when our body becomes overweight, unhealthy and unhappy.

The good news is we can easily flip this switch from weight gain to weight loss. First we need to give our inner mind programming an upgrade that is more positively and focused on the body and life actions that will lead you to a slim, fit, healthy, feel-good body. Once we make these programming changes the software will run and guide us without us having to think about it. We will then have the mind programming of a slim person and that is what we need to have for permanent weight loss.

Once you have this upgrade your body will follow along is a really easy and effortless manner. No more inner resistance and struggle with food and you weight. Just imagine how good freedom will feel from that overweight body you are not happy living in.

The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.

You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Hansen

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