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Effective Strategies On How To Get A Girl To Like You

By Mary Joyce

Girls are different and what one girl may like can be different from what another girl likes. Below are some useful tips that you can use to help win any girl you like.Make sure that you look good- Girls like guys who look good and are well- groomed. Girls notice a bad breath or smelly sweat and if you want to win a girl's affection, it's important to ensure that you keep the general cleanliness of your body. Ensure that you brush your teeth and your hair to look neat and presentable. Working out will be a bonus as girls like guys who have six packs.

So you need to be self confident if you want to have the winning ways with how to get a girl to like you. So in order to get a girl to you, you should always have a composed an a casual mindset. Moreover, you should not be too desperate towards one girl. If she likes you in general, that is always a plus. But if she does not like you, always try to move on and find someone better. There are plenty of nice girls in this world. So, you should not stick around the same girl.

You should always be on a high and never look needy or desperate to find a girl. Try to make friends with as many girls as possible. Try to date a whole lot of girls, as this will help to get a command over situations. This will not make you desperate to hunt that special girl as you will always have lots of options around you. Moreover if she sees, that other girls are getting attracted to you then she will too get attracted in general. This is the psychology of every girl. So, you should know how to play with their minds.

You want her to like you as more than just a friend, am I right? If you want her to see you in that light, like a guy she definitely wants to be MORE than just friends with, you are going to have to make her feel a lot of SEXUAL TENSION. Guys who know how to make a woman feel sexual tension are not the ones who complain about being in the friend zone, because as long as she DOES feel that sexual tension - she is going to want to be more than just your friend.

Getting a girl to like you is actually quite easy. The trick is to be focused on first finding a girl that shows interest. Many guys get caught up on one girl. If the girl doesn't like you, you can't try to fight human nature. First you have to find a girl, be presentable, and be interesting. Once you have sparked the interest, many girls will like you and it will happen automatically. The trick is Getting enough girls interested in talking with you.

It's not always as easy as some people think, but it's usually never as hard as people try to make it sound. You just have to repeat a method a few times, and you will probably find success. But don't get ahead of yourself. You can't fight human nature. So you have to find things that work towards your advantage.

If you want to get a girl to like you, meet as many women as you can. You see, the more women you meet, the greater your social circle will be. Meeting and dating as many women as possible will increase your odds of finding the perfect match and sends a message to other women that you are an object of desire. The last thing you want to go through is "GOD, I must have this girl. You'll find a girl to like you if you keep your options open. Also, whenever a woman sees that other chicks are attracted to a guy, she too feels attraction! Ever noticed how your female friends drool over the guy at the corner of the bar who's got four babes at his table? Make sense? Ok, good.

The problem with many guys is they don't have enough girls to even show interest. Another common problem is they refuse to change. In either case, the solution is the same, approach and talk to lots of girls until you are more comfortable, and you can measure what tends to work more often then not in getting a girl interested in you. Once a girl shows interest then you can get their number and start doing the things they like doing with them. Even if it's not with the girl you want to like you, you have to learn to practice, practice, and practice some more. Figure out what makes girls feel good (laugh), and what doesn't, and at what stages. You need to actually practice getting girls interest and attention, and that may mean failing a few times.

Use good hygiene to get a girl to like you. Why do you think we like girls? Because they dress sexy and they are hot! Duh! So, if you look like you crawled out of a toilet your not going to within get 10 feet of a girl! Take a shower, trim your nails, and brush you teeth. One of the biggest secrets I discovered in recent years has been attracting powers of pheromones. What are they? Pheromones are natural chemicals released by the body to illicit a sexual response in the opposite sex.

While, I don't claim to be scientist, my own experience shows that the effects of pheromones confirm their power to attract women. When applied as directed, certain pheromones produce a positive "response" by the opposite sex. These pheromones have brought me a high level of attention from women, that I would normally think are out of my league! While they can't actually smell the pheromones it's amazing how easily they attract. Overall, women have shown a strong desire to talk and interact with me.Since, I've been using them, I've had way more dates and some very nice intimate encounters! It's an awesome feeling and has given me a lot more confidence. If your shy, or don't feel comfortable approaching women, than pheromones will benefit you a lot. This is one of the easiest ways to get a girl to like you!

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