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carnegie learning online

Good news for those who want to continue their education but do not have money for education! And 'possible to get a degree from prestigious universities for free. Here is a list of the top 10 courses at the Free University (in no particular order) that are available to you:

1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (mit.edu) -. MIT is ideal for those looking for a wide range of free courses online. Nonrecourse project The University has more than 1,750 free courses that formats text, audio and video. Nonrecourse is used by students around the world, many of whom say they would recommend the site to other students.

2 Stanford (stanford.edu) -. Stanford University, one of the best universities in the world, has teamed up with ITunes U to provide access to Stanford courses, interviews and conferences. Courses are available can be downloaded and played on iPods, Mac and PC, and can be recorded on audio CDs and played in a CD player.

3 University of California, Irvine (uci.edu) -. UFC Irvine, recently partnered with the OC Consortium to offer college courses online for free. Although there are currently only a few courses to choose from, the list is growing rapidly. Course materials include lectures, assignments and exams.

4 Open University (open.ac.uk) -. (UK) Open Learn website The Open University offers both undergraduate and graduate students free access to educational resources. Materials cover a wide range of topics such as IT and computer engineering, education, mathematics and statistics, science, health, business and much more.

5 University of California, Berkeley (berkeley.edu) -. For nearly a decade, the University of California, Berkeley has provided live coverage of a series of courses, including IT, legal studies, engineering, philosophy, psychology and astronomy. Many college courses are now available in podcast and webcast.

6 Carnegie Mellon University (of cmu.edu) -. Program at Carnegie Mellon University, called the Open Learning Initiative (OLIN) offers several free online courses. OLIN courses are designed to enable students to the university administration to learn about a particular subject without formal training. The courses cover a wide range of issues, such as economics, biology, French, statistics and physics.

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