These days everyone likes to shop online, but there is always the ever-present threat of danger of fraud credit card online. These 10 tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud should help you stay safe when shopping online. Most of these tips are common sense, but it is surprising how easy it is to forget common sense when you see a good deal online you want to buy before you lose. Try to remember these tips the next time you pull out your card to make an online purchase.
1) Before you even start shopping online to check the terms and conditions of your credit card to see exactly what gives you protection for online shopping.
2) Never store your card information in a file on your computer. If someone steals your computer or hack into it, they got the information from your credit card.
3) When you use the card online to buy things from sites you know and trust.
4) Always check the address bar of your browser, make sure that the address of the site that you make a purchase begins with https, not http.
5) Do not leave your computer unattended when you make a purchase online with your credit card.
6) Do not use the card online Internet CAE or public wireless access points.
7) Do not download software from a website you do not trust. It can contain a program recorder capable of recording which keys are pressed and send the information to a hacker who could connect all the details of your paper.
8) Never click on links in emails that you do not trust. Even if they say they have your credit card company or bank. These emails are known as phishing. This is because it captures your bank or card information.
9) If you need to shop online, then consider using an online payment companies such as PayPal or Money bookers. Using these companies, you can make purchases online without revealing the details of your paper.
10) Check your bank and card regularly and make sure that all transactions are genuine.
If you follow these 10 tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud with credit card online hope to remain safe. But if you believe that your card may have been compromised or that fraud has been committed then you should contact your credit card company immediately. Keep a list of phone numbers card company in an easily accessible place, so that you can easily contact if you need it. I hope you found these 10 tips and stay safe online shopping.
Chris Jellified has worked in the financial services industry and currently writes articles on finance and investment, has a website on the selection of the Best Cash Back Credit Card []. That includes a page about the different types of credit cards online [ credit cards /] that are available.
1) Before you even start shopping online to check the terms and conditions of your credit card to see exactly what gives you protection for online shopping.
2) Never store your card information in a file on your computer. If someone steals your computer or hack into it, they got the information from your credit card.
3) When you use the card online to buy things from sites you know and trust.
4) Always check the address bar of your browser, make sure that the address of the site that you make a purchase begins with https, not http.
5) Do not leave your computer unattended when you make a purchase online with your credit card.
6) Do not use the card online Internet CAE or public wireless access points.
7) Do not download software from a website you do not trust. It can contain a program recorder capable of recording which keys are pressed and send the information to a hacker who could connect all the details of your paper.
8) Never click on links in emails that you do not trust. Even if they say they have your credit card company or bank. These emails are known as phishing. This is because it captures your bank or card information.
9) If you need to shop online, then consider using an online payment companies such as PayPal or Money bookers. Using these companies, you can make purchases online without revealing the details of your paper.
10) Check your bank and card regularly and make sure that all transactions are genuine.
If you follow these 10 tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud with credit card online hope to remain safe. But if you believe that your card may have been compromised or that fraud has been committed then you should contact your credit card company immediately. Keep a list of phone numbers card company in an easily accessible place, so that you can easily contact if you need it. I hope you found these 10 tips and stay safe online shopping.
Chris Jellified has worked in the financial services industry and currently writes articles on finance and investment, has a website on the selection of the Best Cash Back Credit Card []. That includes a page about the different types of credit cards online [ credit cards /] that are available.
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