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weight lifting routines

In this day and age, it is politically incorrect to say that physical factors play an important role in attracting and dating, but many studies have shown that women want a man with a specific body type. With these simple weight lifting routines, you can be the guy that all women who die to be with him.

A Primer Weightlifting

Many think of exercises such as bicep curls and lateral raises when they begin to plan a bodybuilding program for themselves. This is wrong for three main reasons:

Work each muscle group individually, you must spend several hours in the gym each week to ensure that all the muscles in your body to grow.
By isolating muscle groups, which are likely to have other than they get bigger and smaller, creating a little unbalanced attractive appearance.
These movements do not cause your body to release HGH, a hormone that helps you automatically grow muscle and burn fat.

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To solve these problems, it is necessary to implement an exercise program that focuses compound, whole body movements. Therefore, you can do it with some basic exercises.

Weight lifting exercises you should learn

It is important that you work all the muscles in your body each workout with many compound movements as you can. Here are some of the best:

Deadweight - With this exercise, lifting a weight on the ground at a dead hang with your body ultimately to the vertical. This exercise will work all the muscles in your lower body, the more the lower back.
Hang Clean - This exercise starts where ends deadweight with a dumbbell in a dead blow and stand. Then use the back and shoulders to quickly lift the weight up falling into a squat and grab the bar at shoulder height. Complete this movement standing behind the weight on his shoulders. This exercise will build a lean torso V.
Overhead presses - Once again, it continues where the previous year. Standing at the bar on the shoulders, press the weight overhead until your arms are locked, and then lower back down with control. This will strengthen the broad shoulders.
Weightlifting routines to build a sexy body

With just these three exercises, you can build a body that is more attractive to women of all boys who spend too much time in the divisions of body parts in the gym. Twice a week, just do this routine and you will start getting results within a few weeks:

Deadlift - 5 sets of 5 reps.
Hang Cleans - 5 sets of 5 reps.
Air Presses - 5 sets of 5 repetitions.

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