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Save My House Tips - You Must Act Now Before Congress Changes The Rules

By Eric L. Miller

The most recent foreclosure statistics present a disheartening image of the real estate market and the American economy. According to RealtyTrac, an average of 1 in every 634 housing units received a foreclosure filing in December of 2011. The states with the highest rates of foreclosure were California, Florida, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Illinois. As homeowners across the country are facing foreclosure or threatened foreclosure, it is important to consider what remedies are available.

Filing for bankruptcy is one way that foreclosure can be halted or even avoided entirely. When a person files a bankruptcy petition, this places what is called an "automatic stay" on all debt collection proceedings against the petitioner. This includes foreclosure. In a Chapter 7 filing, this may give a debtor time to figure out how to sell or surrender the home by way of a deed in lieu of foreclosure or a short sale. In a Chapter 13 filing, the automatic stay may not only buy the homeowner time to determine what to do, but past due mortgage payments and penalties may actually be included in the homeowner's repayment plan - enabling him or her to actually save the home and avoid foreclosure.

The program started slowly but now has the kinks worked out and more loan modifications are being approved than ever before. Just as things are getting rolling, the new powers in the House of Representatives have pledged to cut the budget and assistance to banks. If they are successful the number of approved loan modifications will plunge. If you have been hanging on by a thread, the time to act is now.Banks have their own language. They talk about debt ratios, FICO scores and loan-to-value. If you are familiar with these terms you can probably negotiate the loan modification yourself if you know the right steps, the proper forms to submit and how to fill them out so the lender will be compelled to say yes.

And if you spend $2,000 on a bankruptcy attorney in a last minute ditch effort, you may have wished you spent the money on a different attorney, or maybe an attorney who specializes in loan modifications. And if you don't have the funds right now but your home is scheduled for a sale tomorrow, you have to do something fast, because the bank won't wait for you. If you don't have the $2,000 for an attorney to stop your sale today, then you sure won't need one after they take your home tomorrow.

Turn on the news nowadays and what you hear is foreclosure, foreclosure, And more foreclosure. The banks, The US Senate, Congress, President Obama and others have Come to the conclusion that we have got to end this downward spiral in foreclosures And help families keep their homes or else refinance. Because of the meltdown in the Financial system and falling house values lenders are looking for solutions to this problem .The most successful method used to combat this Is a loan modification.

How do you make sure you fill everything out and do all the required things so that the clerk accepts your file? Find someone else who did it. If you could just see how someone else did it -- every single detailed step from point A to Z, wouldn't that give you confidence that you could do it on your own too? Then, when you ask yourself how to save my house from foreclosure, your answer can be simple. "I did it myself."

Stopping your foreclosure by filing your own chapter 13 bankruptcy won't fix things permanently, but it stops the immediate crisis so you can think clearer and live to fight your lender another day. Once your sale is stopped, take a deep breath, and with your head a little clearer, you can start making the bigger decisions.The George Osborne budget has meant that that at least up to 600,000 public sector jobs could be cut over the next five years.

Some of these will be from natural wastage but many will not. The question many people fail to ask themselves while they have a job is "Will I be able to manage if I were to lose my income"? More often the answer is No and this is where Income Payment Protection Insurance fills the gap.Income Protection Insurance is the payment protection insurance that will step in and provide you with a monthly income to help with your monthly costs such as mortgage payments, school fees, car, utility bills etc. It can provide up to a maximum of 12 consecutive monthly payments that will keep your lifestyle going whilst you look for work or recover from illness.

I list homes for sale in Fredericksburg and Northern, VA. In this recessed market, I have witnessed a growing trend in homeowners who find themselves upside down in their homes and forced to move due to economic conditions. Layoffs are a reality in Fredericksburg and the job hunt is brutal. The evidence was undeniable as a recent job fair in Stafford, VA attracted national attention with record attendance. Short sales and foreclosures are on the rise in today's real estate market. There is an alternative plan.

The exclusion period means that buying Income Protection Insurance is something you do whilst you are in work; if you wait until you have been told of your redundancy it is too late.Always read the small print to ensure that the Income protection Insurance you have chosen is right for you. There is no point in purchasing a policy as a self employed person to then find when you claim that you are excluded. Similarly there are exclusions for previous existing illness conditions. If you read the policy carefully there is every reason that should the worst happen your home, lifestyle and family will be protected from the worst of the financial storm that may be approaching. You need however to act rather than wait.

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